

Electric and smart transportation is an innovative growth industry with a number of subsectors. We’ve grouped career opportunities into three subsectors:

1- Electric transportation

This includes businesses that design, assemble, and supply systems and components for land vehicles, whether recreational (snowmobiles, scooters, bikes), specialized (trash collection, public safety and defense, ambulances, school buses), medium/heavy duty (delivery vehicles, trucks), or rail (subways, trains, and trams). It also includes businesses that design and manufacture charging infrastructure (residential, corporate, or public charging stations).


2 - Smart transportation and new mobility solutions

Smart transportation is still in its infancy, but it’s about to have a growth spurt! This subsector mainly includes high-tech businesses that design and produce the sensors, electronic components, and driver assistance applications that allow autonomous vehicles to connect to one another and the infrastructure. Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data will be of prime importance. Onboard and offboard software has become ubiquitous in the transportation ecosystem.

A lot of businesses are designing new mobility solutions that incorporate software and present all-new transportation methods and business models for connected mobility and mobility as a service (MaaS), such as carsharing and bikesharing.

3 - Electric fleet maintenance

As electrification makes inroads, more and more businesses are deciding to replace their fossil-fuel vehicles with electric vehicles. This includes commercial, municipal, and institutional fleets. And the more organizations go electric, the more demand there is for electric maintenance services. Any transit company or organization that manages a large fleet of vehicles is gradually incorporating electric servicing capabilities.


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