En route!

Find talent!
Advertise your career opportunities for free when you publish your job listings on the Propulsion Québec web portal.
Electric and smart transportation businesses have a lots of opportunities to offer for a future-facing career.
Our job portal puts them all in one place to reach job seekers and people looking for a career change. Job listings posted on the portal can be found in the “Job listings” section of the En Route! website.
It’s easy to advertise your job openings on our portal:
- Create an account for your business on the Propulsion Québec portal if you don’t already have one. You’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours
- Once you’re registered, click on the “Careers” section at the top of the page and select “Add my offer” in the dropdown menu as shown in the image below.
- Fill out the form.
- Simply repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each new job you want to post.
- Listings must be updated regularly.
- You’ll receive applications right to your account.
Have a question?
Contact us at portail@propulsionquebec.com.

Offer internships
Does your organization need skilled workers? Why not start by offering internships?
Add qualified, affordable workers to:
→ Support your teams
→ Introduce your business to future workers
→ Gain access to expertise in specific areas
→ Start new projects
Through the En Route ! project, Propulsion Québec helps you recruit interns. Discover practical information on how to proceed, remuneration, schedules, financial aid programs and much more!
En Route! promotional kit
Are you an En Route! partner looking to promote the initiative within your networks? It’s easy.
We developed this kit to make it simple to promote the event and reach as many students, job seekers, workers, businesses, and educational institutions as possible!

Let’s connect!
For En Route! news and the latest job listings : sign up for our newsletter.